The Adventures of Surfer Joe And Henry - RHYMING CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS -

The Real Surfer Joe

Over fifty years ago, when I was very young, I was active in many sports, excelled in a few.  Living on the beach...then along came surfing, traveling the country, winning many contests and putting on numerous surfing exhibitions.  I was one of the first pro surfers for Dewey Weber Surfboards, one of the original Surfer Joes.  They wrote songs about us.  I met all the original surfing icons that shaped the industry for years to come.  This became my springboard.


My parents helped me launch into a career of real estate.  During this lifetime and having a wonderful wife, family and life, I never lost my sight of the water and this has always been my compass.


Still living on the beach, my wife, Donna, and I continue to watch the sun rise and try to change the world.  Many of my stories are true (in parts).  Embellished (certainly)!


I hope you enjoy my adventures.


- Surfer Joe


Joe Crossen

Palm Beach, FL

A sunny day at our beach house and it's time to 
take our annual Christmas card picture.  Surfer Joe 
with children, Kyle and Kimberly, rockstar wife Donna 
and, of course, Henry. Woof! Woof! 


Surfer Joe surfing Reef Road!
The waves were three to four feet in the morning.
The afternoon...not so much - on shore winds.
You should have been here yesterday!